Our lab is not only about research: we do a lot of development using Java, Python, Javascript, Haskell and other languages in combination with advanced libraries and frameworks. This development experience was very helpful during my job interviews, and employers were impressed by the projects we develop here in the lab.
Kacper Bąk, Ph.D.

Senior Software Engineer at MathWorks
Email: contact@ kacper .me
Personal website: http://kacper.me
Email: contact@ kacper .me
Personal website: http://kacper.me
- Ph.D., Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
- B.Sc., Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology
For my PhD I was doing research in software engineering:
- design of two languages for modeling and analysis of variability in Software Product Lines: Clafer and Common Variability Language. The former is a general purpose lightweight modeling language. It enables new ways of specifying and testing software requirements. The second is an upcoming OMG standard.
- proposal of Example-Driven Modeling, an approach that systematically uses explicit examples for eliciting, modeling, verifying, and validating complex business knowledge.
Before joining the GSD Lab I was interested in cryptography and computer security, which resulted in the final-year project on Certificateless Cryptography [PDF]. As an undergrad I enjoyed building satellites and was a member of Student Space Engineering Scientific Group.
Current Projects
Past Projects
Graduate Courses
- Spring 2011: CS 744 Advanced Compiler Design. Project report [PDF]
- Winter 2011: CS 846 Topics in Software Evolution and Empirical Studies. Project report [PDF]
- Fall 2010: CS 746 Software Architecture. Project report [PDF]
- Spring 2010: CS 889 Open Source Usability. Project report [PDF]
- Winter 2010: CS 846 Model-Based Software Engineering. Project report [PDF]
- Winter 2010: CS 886 Persuasive Technologies. Project report [PDF]
- Fall 2009: CS 798 Interpreters for Functional Programming Languages. Project report [PDF]
- Fall 2009: CS 745 Computer Aided Verification
- Spring 2010: TA for CS 246 Software Abstraction and Specification
- Winter 2010: TA for CS 444/644 Compiler Construction
- Fall 2009: TA for CS 136 Elementary Algorithm Design and Data Abstraction
- Spring 2007: organized student Seminar in Functional Programming
"Clafer Tools for Product Line Engineering",
Software Product Line Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2013.
"Example-Driven Modeling Using Clafer",
First International Workshop on Model-driven Engineering By Example, 2013.
Certificateless Cryptography,
, vol. BSc: Warsaw University of Technology, 2009.
"Feature and Meta-Models in Clafer: Mixed, Specialized, and Coupled",
3rd International Conference on Software Language Engineering, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 10/2010.
Modeling and Analysis of Software Product Line Variability in Clafer,
, vol. PhD: University of Waterloo, 11/2013.
"Partial Instances via Subclassing",
6th International Conference on Software Language Engineering, Indianapolis, USA, 2013.
Example-Driven Modeling poster,
, Toronto, CASCON, 2012.
"Clafer: Unifying Class and Feature Modeling",
Software and Systems Modeling, 2014.
"Example-Driven Modeling. Model = Abstractions + Examples",
New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) track of the 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2013), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2013.
"Feature and Class Models in Clafer: Mixed, Specialized, and Coupled",
David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, Waterloo, University of Waterloo, 06/2010.