In our lab, people rarely work alone - we collaborate a lot with each other as well as with external researchers and our industry partners.
Michał Antkiewicz, Ph.D.

Research Engineer, Autonomoose (Sep 2016-present)
Program Coordinator, NSERC CREATE in Product-Line Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems (Sep 2015-present)
Room: DC 1340
Email: mantkiew@[this domain]
Program Coordinator, NSERC CREATE in Product-Line Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems (Sep 2015-present)
Room: DC 1340
Email: mantkiew@[this domain]

- Research Engineer, Network for the Engineering of Complex Software-Intensive Systems (NECSIS) (Sep 2011-Aug 2016)
- Postdoctoral Fellow (2008-2011), Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
- Ph.D. Graduate (2008), Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
- IBM Centers for Advanced Studies Ph.D. Fellow (2004-2006)
- MASc. Graduate (2003), Institute of Computer Science, University of Wrocław
For news about Autonomous Car project visit Autonomoose
For news about Clafer visit
- Speaking
- Invited speaker at the Domain-Specific Modeling Theory and Practice 2014 Summer School [program]
- Commercialization and Consulting
- Managing Director @ Generative Software Technologies Corp.
- Feb 2013-May 2013 - Mentor at Singularity University Labs Lean Development Program - advising two startups.
- Aug 2010-Apr 2016- President and Director @ Software Continuum Corp.
- Dec 2010-Feb 2011 - Enterprise Architecture Principles, IT&T Standards, and Software Selection at GTAA
- May 2009-Jan 2010 - The Requirements Engineering Practices and Tool Support at X
- Organization
- 2015 - Co-organizer of International Workshop on Modelling in Automotive Software Engineering (MASE'15), co-located with MODELS'15
- 2013 - Co-organizer of Product Line Engineering Workshop'2013, University of Waterloo
- 2011 - Lead organizer of ORF Youth Outreach Program Software Services/Web Mashups
- 2010 - Co-organizer of Agile Coach Camp Canada
- Mentoring
- 2012-2014 Wenbin Ji, MMath Candidate. Maintaining Feature Traceability with Embedded Annotations
- 2012-2014 Alexandr Murashkin, MMath Candidate. Visualization and Exploration of Optimal Variants in Product-Line Engineering
- 2012-2014 Dina Zayan, MSc Candidate. Empirical studies on Clafer model evolution and Example-Driven Modeling (EDM)
- 2012 Winter Jimmy Liang, MSc Candidate. - Clafer Instance Generator
- 2009–2010 Mohamed AbdelRazik, Ph.D. Candidate. The Requirements Engineering Practices and Tool Support at X
- 2009-2010 – Rehan Rauf, MASc. Candidate. IntelligentET knowledge extractor from MS Word specifications.
- 2008-2009 – Herman Hon Man Lee, MASc. Candidate. Model-guided Code Assistance for Framework Application Development
- 2008-2009 – Matthew Stephan, MASc. Candidate. Detection of Java EE EJB Antipattern Instances using Framework-Specific Models
- 2008 - Henry Lau, ECE 499 Engineering Project Student. Forward Engineering Through FSML Mappings.
- 2007 – Matthew Stephan, SE 499 Engineering Project Student. Feature Modeling and Configuration of Ecore Elements within Eclipse.
- 2006 – Matthew Stephan, Engineering Co-op. Ecore.fmp.
- Supervision
- 2013 Spring - Luke Michael Brown, Co-op student. Fixes and extensions to Clafer Compiler and Clafer Instance Generator
- 2013 Winter - Neil Vincent Redman, Co-op student. ClaferMooVisualizer - an interactive, web-based Pareto front visualization and exploration tool for product-line engineering.
- 2012 Spring – Christopher Walker, Co-op student. ClaferWiki - a lightweight, wiki-based IDE for Clafer
- 2012 Spring – Tanvir Sarkar, Co-op student. Generating Extraction Templates for IntelligentET
- 2012 Spring – Salar Mumtaz, Co-op student. Linux Kernel Configurator Extensions.
- 2007 – Fred Tung, Undergraduate Research Assistant. Extracting FSMLs from FUDA Recipes.
- 2006 – Yaron Friedman and Andrew Hoo, Undergraduate Research Assistants. Towards an FSML for GMF, Progress Report.
- Teaching Assistantship
- Fall 2004 ECE452 Software Design & Architectures
- Winter 2004 ECE355 Software Engineering
- Tool Demonstrations
- Clafer Tools for Product Line Engineering, SPLC'13, Tokyo, Japan, Aug 28, 2013. [paper]
- Round-Trip Engineering of Eclipse Plug-Ins Using Eclipse Workbench Part Interaction FSML, OOPSLA'06, Portland, Oregon, USA, Oct 24-26, 2006. [view]
- fmp and fmp2rsm: Eclipse Plug-Ins for Modeling Features Using Model Templates, OOPSLA'05, San Diego, USA, Oct 19, 2005. [view]
- Poster Presentations
- Model-Driven Software Product Lines, OOPSLA'05, San Diego, USA, Oct 16-20, 2005.
- Systematic Development of Domain-Specific Languages and Model-Driven Product Lines, Castle 2004 Technical Link Event, IBM Ottawa Labs, Dec 9-10, 2004.
"Logical Structure Extraction from Software Requirements Documents",
International Requirements Engineering Conference: IEEE, 09/2011.
"Maintaining Feature Traceability with Embedded Annotations",
19th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC), 2015.
"Mapping Features to Models: A Template Approach Based on Superimposed Variants",
ACM SIGSOFT/SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'05), vol. 3676, Tallinn, Estonia, Springer-Verlag, pp. 422 - 437, 2005.
"Model-Driven Software Product Lines",
OOPSLA'05 Companion, 2005.
"Model-versioning-in-the-large: Algebraic foundations and the tile notation",
2009 ICSE Workshop on Comparison and Versioning of Software Models (CVSM), Vancouver, BC, Canada, IEEE, pp. 7 - 12, 2009.
"Modeling and Reasoning with Multirelations, and their encoding in Alloy",
16th International Workshop in OCL and Textual Modeling, 10/2016.
"Partial Instances via Subclassing",
6th International Conference on Software Language Engineering, Indianapolis, USA, 2013.
"Requirements Determination is Unstoppable: An Experience Report",
Requirements Engineering, 09/2010.
"Round-Trip Engineering of Eclipse Plug-Ins Using Eclipse Workbench Part Interaction FSML",
OOPSLA'06 Companion, 2006.
"Round-Trip Engineering of Framework-Based Software using Framework-Specific Modeling Languages",
21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'06), Tokyo, IEEE, pp. 323 - 326, 2006.
"Round-Trip Engineering Using Framework-Specific Modeling Languages",
OOPSLA Companion, 2007.
"Towards a Generic Infrastructure for Framework-Specific Integrated Development Environment Extensions",
2nd International Workshop on Domain-Specific Program Development (DSPD’08), co-located with OOPSLA'08, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 2008.
"Visualization and Exploration of Optimal Variants in Product Line Engineering",
Software Product Line Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2013.
"Design Space of Heterogeneous Synchronization",
Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering II, International Summer School, GTTSE 2007, Braga, Portugal, July 2-7, 2007, Revised Papers, vol. 5235, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, pp. 3 - 46, 2008.
Awards, Scholarships, Fellowships
- 2008-2011 - Industrial Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2007 – ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at the 22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE’07) for the paper entitled Automatic Extraction of Framework-Specific Models from Framework-Based Application Code. Acceptance rate: 12%. Three out of 37 full papers were selected to receive the award.
- 2004-2006 – IBM Centers for Advanced Studies Ph.D. Fellowship, $54,000/3 years
- 2005, 2006 – Faculty of Engineering Graduate Scholarship
- May 2004 – Aug. 2007 – International Doctoral Student Award
- Sep. 2003 – Apr. 2004 – International Graduate Student Award