Our extensive industrial collaboration enables us to do research with immediate application to software development practices in realistic settings.
Tagged by "Software Maintenance"
News Items
- Paper accepted at Model-Driven Software Migration (MDSM)'11 Workshop
- Best paper award
- Our paper "Coevolution of Variability Models and Related Software Artifacts: A Fresh Look at Evolution Patterns in the Linux Kernel" is now published online at the Empirical Software Engineering Journal
- Our paper "The shape of feature code: an analysis of twenty C-preprocessor-based systems" is now published online at the Software & Systems Modeling Journal
- Patterns for API Migration by Wrapping accepted at ICSM 2010
- Copenhagen Meeting on Variability Management'2014
- API Migration paper presented at ICSM
- Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development (FOSD)
- Study of an API Migration for Two XML APIs
- Combining Multiple Dimensions of Knowledge in API Migration
- Coevolution of Variability Models and Related Software Artifacts: A Fresh Look at Evolution Patterns in the Linux Kernel
- Feature Scattering in the Large: A Longitudinal Study of Linux Kernel Device Drivers
- What is a Feature? A Qualitative Study of Features in Industrial Software Product Lines
- Evolution of the Linux Kernel Variability Model
- Swing to SWT and Back: Patterns for API Migration by Wrapping
- Feature-Oriented Software Evolution
- Flexible Product Line Engineering with a Virtual Platform
- Does Feature Scattering Follow Power-Law Distributions? An Investigation of Five Pre-Processor-Based Systems