Model-versioning-in-the-large: Algebraic foundations and the tile notation

TitleModel-versioning-in-the-large: Algebraic foundations and the tile notation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsDiskin, Z., K. Czarnecki, and M. Antkiewicz
Conference Name2009 ICSE Workshop on Comparison and Versioning of Software Models (CVSM)
Conference LocationVancouver, BC, Canada
ISBN Number978-1-4244-3714-6

Model-versioning-in-the-large is concerned with complex scenarios involving multiple updates and multiple replicas of a model. The paper introduces tile systems as rephrasing of double categories in model versioning terms, and shows that the tile language enables a very general formalization of versioning concepts. The formalization makes the concepts amenable to algebraic analysis and provides a convenient notation for version system designers. It also allows one to formulate algebraic laws that a correct versioning system must or may want to satisfy.

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