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Murashkin, A., "Automotive Electronic/Electric Architecture Modeling, Design Exploration and Optimization using Clafer", School of Computer Science, vol. Master of Mathematics: University of Waterloo, 2014.
Nadi, S., T. Berger, C. Kästner, and K. Czarnecki, "Mining Configuration Constraints: Static Analyses and Empirical Results", 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'14), 2014. [pdf]
Nadi, S., T. Berger, C. Kästner, and K. Czarnecki, "Where do Configuration Constraints Stem From? An Extraction Approach and an Empirical Study", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2015.
Nadi, S., T. Berger, C. Kästner, and K. Czarnecki, Where do Configuration Constraints Stem From? An Extraction Approach and an Empirical Study, : Generative Software Development Laboratory, University of Waterloo, 2015. [pdf]
Olaechea, R., D. Rayside, J. Guo, and K. Czarnecki, "Comparison of exact and approximate multi-objective optimization for software product lines", Software Product Line Conference, vol. 1, Florence, Italy, ACM, pp. 92-101, 10/2014. [pdf]
Olaechea, R., S. Stewart, K. Czarnecki, and D. Rayside, "Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of Quality Attributes in Variability-Rich Software", International Workshop on Non- functional System Properties in Domain Specific Modeling Languages (NFPinDSML’12), Innsbruck, Austria, 10/2012. [pdf][pptx]
Padilla, J. A., "Modeling and Implementing Variability in Aerospace Systems Product Lines", Computer Science, vol. Master of Mathematics: University of Waterloo, 10/2014.
Passos, L., J. Gaeta, T. Berger, S. Apel, K. Czarnecki, and M T. Valente, "Feature Scattering in the Large: A Longitudinal Study of Linux Kernel Device Drivers", 14th International Conference on Modularity: ACM, 2015. [pdf][pptx]
Passos, L., J. Guo, L. Teixeira, K. Czarnecki, A. Wąsowski, and P. Borba, "Coevolution of Variability Models and Related Artifacts: A Case Study from the Linux Kernel", 17th International Software Product Line Conference, Tokyo, ACM, 2013. [pdf][pdf]
Passos, L., K. Czarnecki, S. Apel, A. Wąsowski, C. Kästner, J. Guo, and C. Hunsen, "Feature-Oriented Software Evolution", The Seventh International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems, Italy, ACM , 01/2013. [pdf][pdf]
Passos, L., M. Novakovic, Y. Xiong, T. Berger, K. Czarnecki, and A. Wąsowski, "A Study of Non-Boolean Constraints in Variability Models of an Embedded Operating System", 3rd International Workshop on Feature Oriented Software Development, Munich, Germany, ACM, 08/2011. [pdf][pdf]
Passos, L., and K. Czarnecki, "A Dataset of Feature Additions and Feature Removals from the Linux Kernel", 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, India, IEEE/ACM, 2014. [pdf]
Passos, L., L. Teixeira, D. Nicolas, S. Apel, A. Wąsowski, K. Czarnecki, P. Borba, and J. Guo, "Coevolution of Variability Models and Related Software Artifacts: A Fresh Look at Evolution Patterns in the Linux Kernel", Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, 05/2015.
Pekilis, B R., "An ontology-based approach to concern-specific dynamic software structure monitoring", Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. PhD, Waterloo, University of Waterloo, pp. 213, 2006.
Queiroz, R., L. Passos, M T. Valente, C. Hunsen, S. Apel, and K. Czarnecki, "The Shape of Feature Code: An Analysis of Twenty C-Preprocessor-Based Systems", Journal on Software and Systems Modeling: Springer, pp. 1–29, 07/2015.
Queiroz, R., L. Passos, M T. Valente, S. Apel, and K. Czarnecki, "Does Feature Scattering Follow Power-Law Distributions? An Investigation of Five Pre-Processor-Based Systems", 6th International Workshop of Feature-Oriented Software Evolution, Sweden, ACM, 2014. [pdf]
Rauf, R., M. Antkiewicz, and K. Czarnecki, "Logical Structure Extraction from Software Requirements Documents", International Requirements Engineering Conference: IEEE, 09/2011. [pdf][pdf]
Rauf, R., "A Framework for Logical Structure Extraction from Software Requirements Documents", Computer Science, vol. MMath, Waterloo, University of Waterloo, pp. 83, 01/11, 2011.
von Rhein, A., A. Grebhahn, S. Apel, N. Siegmund, D. Beyer, and T. Berger, "Presence-Condition Simplification in Highly Configurable Systems", 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2015.
Rocha, H., C. Couto, C. Maffort, R. Garcia, C. Simões, L. Passos, and M T. Valente, "Mining the Impact of Evolution Categories on Object-Oriented Metrics", Software Quality Journal, 08/2012. [pdf]
Ross, J., M. Antkiewicz, and K. Czarnecki, "Case Studies on E/E Architectures for Power Window and Central Door Locks Systems", Technical Report, no. GSDLAB-TR-2016-06-23: University of Waterloo, 06/2016. [pdf]
Rubin, J., K. Czarnecki, and M. Chechik, "Managing Cloned Variants: A Framework and Experience", 17th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC), Tokyo, Japan, 2013.
Safilian, A., T. Maibaum, and Z. Diskin, The Semantics of Feature Models via Formal Languages (Extended Version), , no. GSDLab TR 2014-08-02, Waterloo/Hamilton, University of Waterloo (ECE)/McMaster University(CAS), 08/2014. [pdf]