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Czarnecki, K., and K. Pietroszek, "Verifying feature-based model templates against well-formedness OCL constraints", 5th international conference on Generative programming and component engineering - GPCE '06, Portland, Oregon, USA, ACM Press, pp. 211, 2006. [pdf]
Czarnecki, K., "Generative Programming and Software System Families, Abstract of Invited Talk", Semantics, Applications, and Implementation of Program Generation, vol. 2196, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, pp. 1 - 1, 2001.
Czarnecki, K., and S. Helsen, "Feature-based survey of model transformation approaches", IBM Systems Journal, vol. 45, issue 3, no. 3, Riverton, NJ, USA, IBM Corp., pp. 621–645, 2006. [pdf]
Czarnecki, K., U. Eisenecker, R. Gluck, D. Vandevoorde, and T. Veldhuizen, "Generative Programming and Active Libraries", Generic Programming, vol. 1766, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 25 - 39, 2000.
Czarnecki, K., S. Helsen, and U. Eisenecker, "Staged configuration through specialization and multilevel configuration of feature models", Software Process: Improvement and Practice, vol. 10, issue 2, pp. 143 - 169, 04/2005. [pdf]
Czarnecki, K., "Overview of Generative Software Development", Unconventional Programming Paradigms (UPP) 2004, 15-17 September, Mont Saint-Michel, France, Revised Papers, vol. 3566: Springer-Verlag, pp. 326-341, 2004. [pdf]
Czarnecki, K., N. J. Foster, Z. Hu, R. Laemmel, A. Schuerr, and J. F. Terwilliger, "Bidirectional Transformations: A Cross-Discipline Perspective", International Conference of Model Transformation (ICMT): Springer-Verlag, pp. 260-283, 2010. [pdf]
Czarnecki, K., R. Hanselmann, U. Eisenecker, and W. Kopf, "ClassExpert: a knowledge-based assistant to support reuse by specialization and modification in Smalltalk", Fourth IEEE International Conference on Software Reuse, Orlando, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 188 - 194, 1996.
Czarnecki, K., J-M. Favre, M. Gogolla, and T. Mens, "Essentials of the 4th UML/MoDELS Workshop in Software Model Engineering (WiSME’2005)", Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, vol. 3844, Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 151 - 158, 2005.
Czarnecki, K., T. Bednasch, P. Unger, and U. Eisenecker, "Generative Programming for Embedded Software: An Industrial Experience Report", First ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE’02), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2487, Pittsburgh, USA, Springer-Verlag, pp. 156 - 172, 2002.
Czarnecki, K., D. Zhang, and K. Lano, "An Animation Tool for Supporting Specification-Based Software Architectures", The 1995 Monterey Workshop on Increasing the Practical Impact of Formal Methods for Computer Aided Software Development: Specification-Based Architectures, Monterey, California, USA, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, 09/1995.
Czarnecki, K., C H P. Kim, and K. Kalleberg, "Feature Models are Views on Ontologies", 10th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC'06), Baltimore, USA, IEEE, pp. 41 - 51, 2006. [pdf][pdf]
Czarnecki, K., and U. Eisenecker, "Components and Generative Programming", Software Engineering — ESEC/FSE ’99, vol. 1687, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, pp. 2 - 19, 1999. [pdf]
Czarnecki, K., S. She, and A. Wąsowski, "Sample Spaces and Feature Models: There and Back Again", 12th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2008), Limerick, Ireland, IEEE, pp. 22 - 31, 2008. [pdf][pdf]
Czarnecki, K., N. J. Foster, Z. Hu, R. Lämmel, A. Schurr, and J. F. Terwilliger, "Bidirectional Transformations: A Cross-Discipline Perspective, GRACE Meeting Notes, State of the Art, and Outlook", Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, Second International Conference, ICMT 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, June 29-30, 2009. Proceedings, vol. 5563, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, pp. 260 - 283, 2009. [pdf]
Czarnecki, K., S. Helsen, and U. Eisenecker, "Formalizing cardinality-based feature models and their specialization", Software Process: Improvement and Practice, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 7 - 29, 01/2005. [pdf]
Czarnecki, K., T. O'Donnell, John, J. Striegnitz, and W. Taha, "DSL Implementation in MetaOCaml, Template Haskell, and C++", Domain-Specific Program Generation, International Seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, March 23-28, 2003, Revised Papers, vol. 3016, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 51-72, 2003.
Czarnecki, K., and U. Eisenecker, Generative Programming: Methods, Tools, and Applications, , Reading, MA, USA, Addison-Wesley, pp. 864, 2000.
Czarnecki, K., I. Ober, J-M. Bruel, A. Uhl, and M. Völter, "Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 11th International Conference, MoDELS 2008, Toulouse, France, September/October 2008, Proceedings", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5301/2009, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2008.
Czarnecki, K., and U. Eisenecker, "Synthesizing Objects", ECOOP’ 99 — Object-Oriented Programming, vol. 1628, Lisbon, Portugal, Springer-Verlag, pp. 18 - 42, 1999. [pdf]
Czarnecki, K., U. Eisenecker, and P. Steyaert, "Beyond Objects: Generative Programming", ECOOP’97 Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Programming, Jyväskylä, Finland, 06/1997.
Czarnecki, K., and M. Antkiewicz, "Mapping Features to Models: A Template Approach Based on Superimposed Variants", ACM SIGSOFT/SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'05), vol. 3676, Tallinn, Estonia, Springer-Verlag, pp. 422 - 437, 2005. [pdf][zip][zip]
Czarnecki, K., and C H P. Kim, "Cardinality-based feature modeling and constraints: a progress report", International Workshop on Software Factories at OOPSLA'05, San Diego, California, USA, ACM, 2005.