Generative Programming and Software System Families, Abstract of Invited Talk

TitleGenerative Programming and Software System Families, Abstract of Invited Talk
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsCzarnecki, K.
EditorTaha, W.
Book TitleSemantics, Applications, and Implementation of Program Generation
Series TitleLecture Notes in Computer Science
Pagination1 - 1
CityBerlin, Heidelberg
ISBN Number978-3-540-42558-8

Today’s software engineering practices are aimed at developing
single systems. There are attempts to achieve reuse through object-
and component-based technologies with two specific goals: to cut
development costs, and time-to-market and to improve quality. But
current research and practical experience suggest that only moving
from the single system engineering to the system-family engineering
approach can bring significant progress with respect to these goals

Generative programming builds on system-family
engineering and puts its focus on maximizing the automation of
application development [1,2,4,5]: given a system specification,
generators use a set of reusable components to generate the concrete
system. Both the means of application specification, the generators,
and the reusable components are developed in a domain-engineering
cycle. This talk introduces the necessary techniques, notations, and
processes using examples. It also outlines our vision of how the
software industry can be transformed in a similar way the traditional
industries moved from manual craftsmanship to automated assembly
lines, and the role generative techniques can play in this
