ClassExpert: a knowledge-based assistant to support reuse by specialization and modification in Smalltalk

TitleClassExpert: a knowledge-based assistant to support reuse by specialization and modification in Smalltalk
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsCzarnecki, K., R. Hanselmann, U. Eisenecker, and W. Kopf
Conference NameFourth IEEE International Conference on Software Reuse
PublisherIEEE Computer Society Press
Conference LocationOrlando, USA

Smalltalk-80 is an object-oriented system promoting “programming by
reuse”. However, the complexity of the Smalltalk class library makes
it difficult for the non-expert user to find the problem-solving
class. This paper describes ClassExpert, a tool that helps to retrieve
classes matching the functional specification provided by the user.
ClassExpert deploys an attribute-value classifcation scheme with
taxonomies. This paper also shows how this scheme can be used to
support reuse by specialization and modification.

Refereed DesignationRefereed