Our lab is not only about research: we do a lot of development using Java, Python, Javascript, Haskell and other languages in combination with advanced libraries and frameworks. This development experience was very helpful during my job interviews, and employers were impressed by the projects we develop here in the lab.
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"Synthesis and Exploration of Multi-Level, Multi-Perspective Architectures of Automotive Embedded Systems",
Software and Systems Modeling, 2017.
"Modeling and Reasoning with Multirelations, and their encoding in Alloy",
16th International Workshop in OCL and Textual Modeling, 10/2016.
"Case Studies on E/E Architectures for Power Window and Central Door Locks Systems",
Technical Report, no. GSDLAB-TR-2016-06-23: University of Waterloo, 06/2016.
"A Novel Approach for Estimating Truck Factors",
International Conference on Program Comprehension: ACM, 2016.
"Cost-Efficient Sampling for Performance Prediction of Configurable Systems",
30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, IEEE, 11/2015.
"The Shape of Feature Code: An Analysis of Twenty C-Preprocessor-Based Systems",
Journal on Software and Systems Modeling: Springer, pp. 1–29, 07/2015.
"Coevolution of Variability Models and Related Software Artifacts: A Fresh Look at Evolution Patterns in the Linux Kernel",
Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, 05/2015.
"Automated Decomposition and Allocation of Automotive Safety Integrity Levels Using Exact Solvers",
SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, Michigan, USA, SAE, 04/2015.
"Model Based Automotive System Design: A Power Window Controller Case Study",
ECE, vol. MASC, Waterloo, University of Waterloo, 03/2015.
"An Examination of the Current Rating System used in Mobile App Stores",
IEEE Software, 2015.
"Feature Scattering in the Large: A Longitudinal Study of Linux Kernel Device Drivers",
14th International Conference on Modularity: ACM, 2015.
"Maintaining Feature Traceability with Embedded Annotations",
19th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC), 2015.
"Presence-Condition Simplification in Highly Configurable Systems",
37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2015.
"Scaling Exact Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization by Parallelization",
29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), Västerås, Sweden, ACM, to appear, 2014.
"Optimizing Alloy for Multi-Objective Software Product Line Configuration",
ABZ, Toulouse, France, Springer-Verlag, 06/2014.
" Impact of Ad Libraries on Ratings of Android Mobile Apps",
IEEE Software, 2014.
"Clafer: Unifying Class and Feature Modeling",
Software and Systems Modeling, 2014.
"Does Feature Scattering Follow Power-Law Distributions? An Investigation of Five Pre-Processor-Based Systems",
6th International Workshop of Feature-Oriented Software Evolution, Sweden, ACM, 2014.
"A Large Scale Empirical Study on Software Reuse in Mobile Apps",
IEEE Software, vol. 31, issue 2, 2014.
"On Ad Library Updates in Android Apps",
IEEE Software, 2014.
"Three Cases of Feature-Based Variability Modeling in Industry",
ACM/IEEE 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2014.