People in the lab are very enthusiastic about what they do. The environment is very stimulating and soon you realize that most of the limits are those in your head.
Leonardo Passos, Ph.D.

My interests include programming languages, software evolution, and mining software repositories. I currently work on building an evolution framework for software product lines based on empirical evidence mined from the evolution history of large and complex software systems, such as the Linux kernel. In the past, I have also worked with architecture conformance, parser conflict resolution, and semi-automatic generation of wrappers for continuous extraction of semi-structured data in changing websites.
Resume and Contact Info
- My Resume
- Emails:
- lpassos [at]
- lnrdpss [at]
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- Bronze medal at Student Research Competition at the ACM Modularity'15 (AOSD) conference, sponsored by Microsoft Research
- Best paper award at the ACM Modularity'15 (AOSD) conference research track
Please check my public Bitbucket profile
- Software Engineering Intern at LogicBlox: Winter'15
- Instructor of Fundamentals of Programming (ECE 150): Fall'14
- Teaching Assistant
- Foundations of Software Engineering (ECE 651): Fall'15
- Embedded Microprocessor Systems (ECE 224): Spring'15
- Compilers (ECE 351): Winter'14
- Software Design and Architecture (SE 464): Spring'12, Spring'13, Spring'14
- Software Engineering (ECE 355): Winter:11,
- Fundamentals of Programming (ECE 150): Fall'11, Fall'12, Fall'13
Program Committee
- 15th International Conference on Modularity (AOSD), Student Research Competition Track (external link)
- 20th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC), Tools Track (external link)
- 3rd Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution, and Maintenance (VEM) (external link)
- 2nd Workshop on Software Architecture Erosion and Architectural Consistency (external link)
- 1st Workshop on Software Architecture Erosion and Architectural Consistency (external link)
Latest Publications
"Coevolution of Variability Models and Related Software Artifacts: A Fresh Look at Evolution Patterns in the Linux Kernel",
Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, 05/2015.
"Mining the Impact of Evolution Categories on Object-Oriented Metrics",
Software Quality Journal, 08/2012.
"A Semi-Automatic Approach for Extracting Software Product Lines",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 38, issue 4, no. 99, pp. 737-754, 2012.
"The Shape of Feature Code: An Analysis of Twenty C-Preprocessor-Based Systems",
Journal on Software and Systems Modeling: Springer, pp. 1–29, 07/2015.
"A Study of Non-Boolean Constraints in Variability Models of an Embedded Operating System",
3rd International Workshop on Feature Oriented Software Development, Munich, Germany, ACM, 08/2011.
"Coevolution of Variability Models and Related Artifacts: A Case Study from the Linux Kernel",
17th International Software Product Line Conference, Tokyo, ACM, 2013.
"A Dataset of Feature Additions and Feature Removals from the Linux Kernel",
11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, India, IEEE/ACM, 2014.
"Does Feature Scattering Follow Power-Law Distributions? An Investigation of Five Pre-Processor-Based Systems",
6th International Workshop of Feature-Oriented Software Evolution, Sweden, ACM, 2014.
"Feature Scattering in the Large: A Longitudinal Study of Linux Kernel Device Drivers",
14th International Conference on Modularity: ACM, 2015.
"Feature-Oriented Software Evolution",
The Seventh International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems, Italy, ACM , 01/2013.
"A Novel Approach for Estimating Truck Factors",
International Conference on Program Comprehension: ACM, 2016.
"SmartFixer: Fixing Software Configurations based on Self-adaptive Priorities",
17th International Software Product Line Conference, Tokyo, ACM, 2013.
"Towards a Catalog of Variability Evolution Patterns: The Linux Kernel Case",
4th International Workshop on Feature Oriented Software Development, 2012.
"Towards Improving Bug Tracking Systems with Game Mechanisms",
9th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'12), Zurich, Switzerland, IEEE (also published as GSDLAB–TR 2011–09–29), 06/2012.
Older Publications
- L. Passos , Terra, R.; Diniz, R.; Valente, M. T.: Static Architecture Conformance Checking - An Illustrative Overview. In IEEE Software, 2009. (external link)
- L. T. Passos , M. Bigonha, and R. Bigonha: An LALR Parser Generator Supporting Conflicts. In Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2008. (external link)
- L. T. Passos , M. Bigonha, and R. Bigonha: A Methodology for Removing LALR(k) Conflicts. In Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2007. (external link)
- L. T. Passos , M. T. Valente: Personalizing Web Sites for Mobile Devices Using a Graphical User Interface. In International Conference on Web Engineering, Springer, 2004. (external link)