Michał Antkiewicz, Ph.D.

Research Engineer, Autonomoose.net (Sep 2016-present)
Program Coordinator, NSERC CREATE in Product-Line Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems (Sep 2015-present)
Room: DC 1340
Email: mantkiew@[this domain]
View Michał Antkiewicz's profile on LinkedIn
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For news about Autonomous Car project visit autonomoose.net

For news about Clafer visit clafer.org






Journal Article
Magazine Article
Bąk, K., D. Zayan, K. Czarnecki, M. Antkiewicz, Z. Diskin, A. Wąsowski, and D. Rayside, Example-Driven Modeling poster, , Toronto, CASCON, 2012. [pdf]
Antkiewicz, M., ATM Software Design, : Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2004. [pdf]
Ross, J., M. Antkiewicz, and K. Czarnecki, "Case Studies on E/E Architectures for Power Window and Central Door Locks Systems", Technical Report, no. GSDLAB-TR-2016-06-23: University of Waterloo, 06/2016. [pdf]
Antkiewicz, M., and K. Czarnecki, Eclipse Workbench Part Interaction FSML, : Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, pp. 15, 2006. [pdf]
Stephan, M., and M. Antkiewicz, "Ecore.fmp: A tool for editing and instantiating class models as feature models", Electrical and Computer Engineering, Waterloo, University of Waterloo, 05/2008. [pdf]
Antkiewicz, M., and K. Czarnecki, Framework-Specific Modeling Languages; Examples and Algorithms, : Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2007. [pdf]
Antkiewicz, M., Towards Systematic Development of Domain-Specific Languages, : Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, pp. 38, 11/2005.
Antkiewicz, M., UML2Rdbms Model Transformations Using ATOM3 Meta-modeling Tool, : Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2003. [pdf][pdf]
Antkiewicz, M., "Framework-specific modeling languages", Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. PhD: University of Waterloo, pp. 168, 09/2008.

Awards, Scholarships, Fellowships

  • 2008-2011 - Industrial Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • 2007 – ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at the 22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE’07) for the paper entitled Automatic Extraction of Framework-Specific Models from Framework-Based Application Code. Acceptance rate: 12%. Three out of 37 full papers were selected to receive the award.
  • 2004-2006 – IBM Centers for Advanced Studies Ph.D. Fellowship, $54,000/3 years
  • 2005, 2006 – Faculty of Engineering Graduate Scholarship
  • May 2004 – Aug. 2007 – International Doctoral Student Award
  • Sep. 2003 – Apr. 2004 – International Graduate Student Award

Courses taken towards PhD program requirement