In our lab, people rarely work alone - we collaborate a lot with each other as well as with external researchers and our industry partners.
Zinovy Diskin, Ph.D.

Research Associate
Room: DC 1340
Room: DC 1340
- My area of expertise is formal semantics and algebraic models for constructs and concepts used in MDE, particularly metamodeling, multimodleing and model management. Resume can be found here.
I am cross-appointed in the Department of Computing and Software at McMaster University as Senior Research Scientist with the NECSIS Project.
"Intermodeling, queries and Kleisli categories",
Generative Software Development Laboratory, Waterloo, University of Waterloo, 10/2011.
Lax Lenses,
, no. GSDLAB-TR 2013-03-10: University of Waterloo, 03/2013.
Mechanics of Megamodeling: Design Patterns and Laws,
, no. GSDLab/McSCert-TR-2013-03-14, Waterloo/Hamilton , University of Waterloo/McMaster University, 03/2013.
"Modeling Product Lines with Kripke Structures and Modal Logic",
GSD Technical Report, no. TR 2013-10-1, Watreloo, University of Waterloo(ECE) / McMaster University (CAS), 10/2013.
Modeling product lines with Kripke structures and modal logic,
, no. GSDLab TR 2014-08-01, Waterloo, University of Waterloo (ECE), 08/2014.
Modeling Product Lines with Kripke Structures and Modal Logic,
, no. GSDLAB–TR 2015-04-01, Waterloo/Hamilton, University of Waterloo, ECE, April, 2015.
The Semantics of Feature Models via Formal Languages (Extended Version),
, no. GSDLab TR 2014-08-02, Waterloo/Hamilton, University of Waterloo (ECE)/McMaster University(CAS), 08/2014.
A Taxonomic Space for Increasingly Symmetric Model Synchronization,
, no. GSDLab TR, 2014-02-01, Waterloo, The University of Waterloo, GSDLab , 02/2014.
Tiling the view update problem,
, no. TR 2009-12-01, Waterloo, The University of Waterloo, GSDLab , 12/2009.
"Towards Category Theory Foundations for Model Management",
GSDLab-TR , no. GSDLab-TR 2014-03-03, Hamilton/Watreloo, McMaster University/University of Waterloo, 03/2014.
Towards generic formal semantics for consistency of heterogeneous multimodels,
, Waterloo, University of Waterloo, Jan 2011.
Traceability Mappings as a Fundamental Aspect of Model-to-Model Transformations,
, no. GSDLAB--TR 2016-05-01, Hamilton/Waterloo, McMaster University/University of Waterloo, May 2016.