Our lab is not only about research: we do a lot of development using Java, Python, Javascript, Haskell and other languages in combination with advanced libraries and frameworks. This development experience was very helpful during my job interviews, and employers were impressed by the projects we develop here in the lab.
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"Generative Programming and Software System Families, Abstract of Invited Talk",
Semantics, Applications, and Implementation of Program Generation, vol. 2196, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, pp. 1 - 1, 2001.
"Generative Programming for Embedded Software: An Industrial Experience Report",
First ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE’02), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2487, Pittsburgh, USA, Springer-Verlag, pp. 156 - 172, 2002.
"DSL Implementation in MetaOCaml, Template Haskell, and C++",
Domain-Specific Program Generation, International Seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, March 23-28, 2003, Revised Papers, vol. 3016, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 51-72, 2003.
Comprehending Object-Oriented Software Frameworks Through Dynamic Analysis,
, no. CS-2007-18: University of Waterloo, 10/2007.
"Automatic Extraction of Framework-Specific Models From Framework-Based Application Code",
22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 11/2007.
"Decision-making coordination in collaborative product configuration",
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, ACM Press, pp. 108, 03/2008.
"Bidirectional Transformations: A Cross-Discipline Perspective, GRACE Meeting Notes, State of the Art, and Outlook",
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, Second International Conference, ICMT 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, June 29-30, 2009. Proceedings, vol. 5563, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, pp. 260 - 283, 2009.
"Fast Extraction of High-Quality Framework-Specific Models from Application Code",
Automated Software Engineering, vol. 16, issue 1, pp. 101 - 144, 03/2009.
"Supporting Framework Use via Automatically Extracted Concept-Implementation Templates",
23rd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), vol. 5653, Genova, Italy, Springer-Verlag, pp. 344-368, 07/2009.
"Study of an API Migration for Two XML APIs",
2nd International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), vol. 5969/2010, Denver, USA, pp. 42-61, 10/2009.
"Swing to SWT and Back: Patterns for API Migration by Wrapping",
26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), Timișoara, Romania, 09/2010.
"Bidirectional Transformations: A Cross-Discipline Perspective",
International Conference of Model Transformation (ICMT): Springer-Verlag, pp. 260-283, 2010.
"Combining Multiple Dimensions of Knowledge in API Migration",
First International Workshop on Model-Driven Software Migration (MDSM), at the 15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), Oldenburg, Germany, CEUR, 03/2011.
"Matching Business Process Workflows Across Abstraction Levels",
MODELS 2012, Innsbruck, Austria, ACM/IEEE, 2012.
"Recommending Refactorings to Reverse Software Architecture Erosion",
16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), Early Research Achievements Track, 03/2012.
"Two Studies of Framework-Usage Templates Extracted from Dynamic Traces",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 38, issue 6, 12/2012.
"Coevolution of Variability Models and Related Artifacts: A Case Study from the Linux Kernel",
17th International Software Product Line Conference, Tokyo, ACM, 2013.
"Variability Mechanisms in Software Ecosystems",
Information and Software Technology, vol. 56, issue 11, 2014.
"Coevolution of Variability Models and Related Software Artifacts: A Fresh Look at Evolution Patterns in the Linux Kernel",
Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, 05/2015.