Our extensive industrial collaboration enables us to do research with immediate application to software development practices in realistic settings.
Michał Antkiewicz, Ph.D.

Research Engineer, Autonomoose (Sep 2016-present)
Program Coordinator, NSERC CREATE in Product-Line Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems (Sep 2015-present)
Room: DC 1340
Email: mantkiew@[this domain]
Program Coordinator, NSERC CREATE in Product-Line Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems (Sep 2015-present)
Room: DC 1340
Email: mantkiew@[this domain]

- Research Engineer, Network for the Engineering of Complex Software-Intensive Systems (NECSIS) (Sep 2011-Aug 2016)
- Postdoctoral Fellow (2008-2011), Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
- Ph.D. Graduate (2008), Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
- IBM Centers for Advanced Studies Ph.D. Fellow (2004-2006)
- MASc. Graduate (2003), Institute of Computer Science, University of Wrocław
For news about Autonomous Car project visit Autonomoose
For news about Clafer visit clafer.org
- Speaking
- Invited speaker at the Domain-Specific Modeling Theory and Practice 2014 Summer School [program]
- Commercialization and Consulting
- Managing Director @ Generative Software Technologies Corp.
- Feb 2013-May 2013 - Mentor at Singularity University Labs Lean Development Program - advising two startups.
- Aug 2010-Apr 2016- President and Director @ Software Continuum Corp.
- Dec 2010-Feb 2011 - Enterprise Architecture Principles, IT&T Standards, and Software Selection at GTAA
- May 2009-Jan 2010 - The Requirements Engineering Practices and Tool Support at X
- Organization
- 2015 - Co-organizer of International Workshop on Modelling in Automotive Software Engineering (MASE'15), co-located with MODELS'15
- 2013 - Co-organizer of Product Line Engineering Workshop'2013, University of Waterloo
- 2011 - Lead organizer of ORF Youth Outreach Program Software Services/Web Mashups
- 2010 - Co-organizer of Agile Coach Camp Canada
- Mentoring
- 2012-2014 Wenbin Ji, MMath Candidate. Maintaining Feature Traceability with Embedded Annotations
- 2012-2014 Alexandr Murashkin, MMath Candidate. Visualization and Exploration of Optimal Variants in Product-Line Engineering
- 2012-2014 Dina Zayan, MSc Candidate. Empirical studies on Clafer model evolution and Example-Driven Modeling (EDM)
- 2012 Winter Jimmy Liang, MSc Candidate. - Clafer Instance Generator
- 2009–2010 Mohamed AbdelRazik, Ph.D. Candidate. The Requirements Engineering Practices and Tool Support at X
- 2009-2010 – Rehan Rauf, MASc. Candidate. IntelligentET knowledge extractor from MS Word specifications.
- 2008-2009 – Herman Hon Man Lee, MASc. Candidate. Model-guided Code Assistance for Framework Application Development
- 2008-2009 – Matthew Stephan, MASc. Candidate. Detection of Java EE EJB Antipattern Instances using Framework-Specific Models
- 2008 - Henry Lau, ECE 499 Engineering Project Student. Forward Engineering Through FSML Mappings.
- 2007 – Matthew Stephan, SE 499 Engineering Project Student. Feature Modeling and Configuration of Ecore Elements within Eclipse.
- 2006 – Matthew Stephan, Engineering Co-op. Ecore.fmp.
- Supervision
- 2013 Spring - Luke Michael Brown, Co-op student. Fixes and extensions to Clafer Compiler and Clafer Instance Generator
- 2013 Winter - Neil Vincent Redman, Co-op student. ClaferMooVisualizer - an interactive, web-based Pareto front visualization and exploration tool for product-line engineering.
- 2012 Spring – Christopher Walker, Co-op student. ClaferWiki - a lightweight, wiki-based IDE for Clafer
- 2012 Spring – Tanvir Sarkar, Co-op student. Generating Extraction Templates for IntelligentET
- 2012 Spring – Salar Mumtaz, Co-op student. Linux Kernel Configurator Extensions.
- 2007 – Fred Tung, Undergraduate Research Assistant. Extracting FSMLs from FUDA Recipes.
- 2006 – Yaron Friedman and Andrew Hoo, Undergraduate Research Assistants. Towards an FSML for GMF, Progress Report.
- Teaching Assistantship
- Fall 2004 ECE452 Software Design & Architectures
- Winter 2004 ECE355 Software Engineering
- Tool Demonstrations
- Clafer Tools for Product Line Engineering, SPLC'13, Tokyo, Japan, Aug 28, 2013. [paper]
- Round-Trip Engineering of Eclipse Plug-Ins Using Eclipse Workbench Part Interaction FSML, OOPSLA'06, Portland, Oregon, USA, Oct 24-26, 2006. [view]
- fmp and fmp2rsm: Eclipse Plug-Ins for Modeling Features Using Model Templates, OOPSLA'05, San Diego, USA, Oct 19, 2005. [view]
- Poster Presentations
- Model-Driven Software Product Lines, OOPSLA'05, San Diego, USA, Oct 16-20, 2005.
- Systematic Development of Domain-Specific Languages and Model-Driven Product Lines, Castle 2004 Technical Link Event, IBM Ottawa Labs, Dec 9-10, 2004.
"Mehrstufige, Kunden-Spezifische Anpassungen in der Anwendungsentwicklung",
Objekt Spektrum, issue 1, 01/2007.
Framework-Specific Modeling Languages; Examples and Algorithms,
: Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2007.
"Round-Trip Engineering Using Framework-Specific Modeling Languages",
OOPSLA Companion, 2007.
"Multi-level customization in application engineering",
Communications of the ACM, vol. 49, issue 12, pp. 60, 12/2006.
Eclipse Workbench Part Interaction FSML,
: Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, pp. 15, 2006.
"Framework-Specific Modeling Languages with Round-Trip Engineering",
ACM/IEEE 9th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS), Genova, Italy, Springer-Verlag, pp. 692-706, 2006.
"Round-Trip Engineering of Eclipse Plug-Ins Using Eclipse Workbench Part Interaction FSML",
OOPSLA'06 Companion, 2006.
"Round-Trip Engineering of Framework-Based Software using Framework-Specific Modeling Languages",
21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'06), Tokyo, IEEE, pp. 323 - 326, 2006.
Towards Systematic Development of Domain-Specific Languages,
: Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, pp. 38, 11/2005.
"fmp and fmp2rsm: Eclipse Plug-Ins for Modeling Features Using Model Templates",
OOPSLA'05 Companion, 2005.
"Mapping Features to Models: A Template Approach Based on Superimposed Variants",
ACM SIGSOFT/SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'05), vol. 3676, Tallinn, Estonia, Springer-Verlag, pp. 422 - 437, 2005.
"Model-Driven Software Product Lines",
OOPSLA'05 Companion, 2005.
ATM Software Design,
: Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2004.
"FeaturePlugin: Feature Modeling Plug-In for Eclipse",
The 2004 OOPSLA Workshop on Eclipse Technology eXchange - Eclipse '04, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, ACM Press, pp. 67 - 72, 2004.
UML2Rdbms Model Transformations Using ATOM3 Meta-modeling Tool,
: Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2003.
Awards, Scholarships, Fellowships
- 2008-2011 - Industrial Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2007 – ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at the 22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE’07) for the paper entitled Automatic Extraction of Framework-Specific Models from Framework-Based Application Code. Acceptance rate: 12%. Three out of 37 full papers were selected to receive the award.
- 2004-2006 – IBM Centers for Advanced Studies Ph.D. Fellowship, $54,000/3 years
- 2005, 2006 – Faculty of Engineering Graduate Scholarship
- May 2004 – Aug. 2007 – International Doctoral Student Award
- Sep. 2003 – Apr. 2004 – International Graduate Student Award