Zinovy Diskin, Ph.D.

Research Associate
Room: DC 1340
Email: zdiskin-at-gsd.uwaterloo.ca




Bąk, K., Z. Diskin, M. Antkiewicz, K. Czarnecki, and A. Wąsowski, "Clafer: Unifying Class and Feature Modeling", Software and Systems Modeling, 2014. [pdf]
Diskin, Z., A. Wider, H. Gholizadeh, and K. Czarnecki, A Taxonomic Space for Increasingly Symmetric Model Synchronization, , no. GSDLab TR, 2014-02-01, Waterloo, The University of Waterloo, GSDLab , 02/2014. [pdf]
Diskin, Z., "Towards Category Theory Foundations for Model Management", GSDLab-TR , no. GSDLab-TR 2014-03-03, Hamilton/Watreloo, McMaster University/University of Waterloo, 03/2014. [pdf]
Diskin, Z., A. Safilian, T. Maibaum, and S. Ben-David, Modeling product lines with Kripke structures and modal logic, , no. GSDLab TR 2014-08-01, Waterloo, University of Waterloo (ECE), 08/2014. [pdf]
Safilian, A., T. Maibaum, and Z. Diskin, The Semantics of Feature Models via Formal Languages (Extended Version), , no. GSDLab TR 2014-08-02, Waterloo/Hamilton, University of Waterloo (ECE)/McMaster University(CAS), 08/2014. [pdf]
Diskin, Z., A. Safilian, T. Maibaum, and S. Ben-David, Modeling Product Lines with Kripke Structures and Modal Logic, , no. GSDLAB–TR 2015-04-01, Waterloo/Hamilton, University of Waterloo, ECE, April, 2015. [pdf]
Diskin, Z., Asymmetric Delta-Lenses with Uncertainty: Towards a Formal Framework for Flexible BX, , no. GSDLAB–TR 2016-03-01, Waterloo, University of Waterloo, 03/2016. [pdf]
Sun, P., Z. Diskin, M. Antkiewicz, and K. Czarnecki, "Modeling and Reasoning with Multirelations, and their encoding in Alloy", 16th International Workshop in OCL and Textual Modeling, 10/2016.
Diskin, Z., Traceability Mappings as a Fundamental Aspect of Model-to-Model Transformations, , no. GSDLAB--TR 2016-05-01, Hamilton/Waterloo, McMaster University/University of Waterloo, May 2016. [pdf]
Diskin, Z., Compositionality of Update Propagation: Lax Putput, , no. GSDLAB TR 2017-02-01, Hamilton, McMaster University, Feb 2017. [pdf]