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Meusel, M., K. Czarnecki, and W. Kopf, "A model for structuring user documentation of object-oriented frameworks using patterns and hypertext", ECOOP'97 — Object-Oriented Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1241, Jyväskylä, Finland, Springer-Verlag, pp. 496 - 510, 1997.
Czarnecki, K., U. Eisenecker, R. Gluck, D. Vandevoorde, and T. Veldhuizen, "Generative Programming and Active Libraries", Generic Programming, vol. 1766, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 25 - 39, 2000.
Czarnecki, K., K. Østerbye, and M. Völter, "Generative Programming", Object-Oriented Technology ECOOP 2002 Workshop Reader, vol. 2548, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 15 - 29, 2002.
Czarnecki, K., J-M. Favre, M. Gogolla, and T. Mens, "Essentials of the 4th UML/MoDELS Workshop in Software Model Engineering (WiSME’2005)", Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, vol. 3844, Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 151 - 158, 2005.
Mendonça, M., A. Wąsowski, K. Czarnecki, and D. Cowan, "Efficient compilation techniques for large scale feature models", 7th international conference on Generative programming and component engineering - GPCE '08, Nashville, USA, ACM Press, pp. 13, 2008. [pdf]
Mendonça, M., T. Tonelli Bartolomei, and D. Cowan, "Decision-making coordination in collaborative product configuration", ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, ACM Press, pp. 108, 03/2008. [pdf]
Czarnecki, K., N. J. Foster, Z. Hu, R. Lämmel, A. Schurr, and J. F. Terwilliger, "Bidirectional Transformations: A Cross-Discipline Perspective, GRACE Meeting Notes, State of the Art, and Outlook", Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, Second International Conference, ICMT 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, June 29-30, 2009. Proceedings, vol. 5563, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, pp. 260 - 283, 2009. [pdf]
Mendonça, M., A. Wąsowski, and K. Czarnecki, "SAT-based Analysis of Feature Models is Easy", 13th International Conference on Software Product Lines (SPLC 2009), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2009. [pdf][pdf]
Mendonça, M., "Efficient Reasoning Techniques for Large Scale Feature Models", School of Computer Science, vol. PhD, Waterloo, University of Waterloo, pp. 184, 01/2009.
Mendonça, M., M. Branco, and D. Cowan, "S.P.L.O.T. - Software Product Lines Online Tools", 24th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on object oriented programming systems languages and applications - OOPSLA Companion, Orlando, Florida, USA, ACM Press, pp. 761, 10/2009.
Diskin, Z., T. Maibaum, and K. Czarnecki, "Intermodeling, queries and Kleisli categories", Generative Software Development Laboratory, Waterloo, University of Waterloo, 10/2011. [pdf]
Diskin, Z., T. Maibaum, and K. Czarnecki, "Intermodeling, queries, and Kleisli categories", 15th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE'12), Tallinn, Estonia, LNCS, volume 7212, pp. 163-177, 01/2012.
Rocha, H., C. Couto, C. Maffort, R. Garcia, C. Simões, L. Passos, and M T. Valente, "Mining the Impact of Evolution Categories on Object-Oriented Metrics", Software Quality Journal, 08/2012. [pdf]
Lotufo, R., Z. Malik, and K. Czarnecki, "Modelling the `Hurried' Bug Report Reading Process to Summarize Bug Reports", International Conference on Software Maintenance, Trento, Italy, IEEE, 09/2012. [pdf][pdf]
Diskin, Z., and T. Maibaum, "Category Theory and Model-Driven Engineering: From Formal Semantics to Design Patterns and Beyond", 7th ACCAT Workshop on Applied and Computational Category Theory (affiliated with ETAPS'2012), To appear, 2012. [pdf]
Murashkin, A., Analysis and Prediction of Application Categories on Online Application Stores, , no. GSDLAB-TR 2014-05-22, Waterloo, University of Waterloo, 2013.
Diskin, Z., S. Kokaly, and T. Maibaum, "Mapping-aware megamodeling: Design Patterns and Laws", Software Language Engineering: Springer, 2013. [zip]
Murashkin, A., Web-based GUI for Pareto front visualization and analysis, , no. GSDLAB-TR 2013-02-04, Waterloo, University of Waterloo, 2013.
Diskin, Z., S. Kokaly, and T. Maibaum, Mechanics of Megamodeling: Design Patterns and Laws, , no. GSDLab/McSCert-TR-2013-03-14, Waterloo/Hamilton , University of Waterloo/McMaster University, 03/2013. [pdf]
Diskin, Z., A. Safilian, and T. Maibaum, "Modeling Product Lines with Kripke Structures and Modal Logic", GSD Technical Report, no. TR 2013-10-1, Watreloo, University of Waterloo(ECE) / McMaster University (CAS), 10/2013. [pdf]
Mojica, I. J., M. Nagappan, B. Adams, T. Berger, S. Dienst, and A. E. Hassan, " Impact of Ad Libraries on Ratings of Android Mobile Apps", IEEE Software, 2014.
Murashkin, A., "Automotive Electronic/Electric Architecture Modeling, Design Exploration and Optimization using Clafer", School of Computer Science, vol. Master of Mathematics: University of Waterloo, 2014.
Mojica, I. J., B. Adams, M. Nagappan, S. Dienst, T. Berger, and A. E. Hassan, "A Large Scale Empirical Study on Software Reuse in Mobile Apps", IEEE Software, vol. 31, issue 2, 2014.