Our lab is not only about research: we do a lot of development using Java, Python, Javascript, Haskell and other languages in combination with advanced libraries and frameworks. This development experience was very helpful during my job interviews, and employers were impressed by the projects we develop here in the lab.
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"On Ad Library Updates in Android Apps",
IEEE Software, 2014.
Modeling product lines with Kripke structures and modal logic,
, no. GSDLab TR 2014-08-01, Waterloo, University of Waterloo (ECE), 08/2014.
The Semantics of Feature Models via Formal Languages (Extended Version),
, no. GSDLab TR 2014-08-02, Waterloo/Hamilton, University of Waterloo (ECE)/McMaster University(CAS), 08/2014.
"An Examination of the Current Rating System used in Mobile App Stores",
IEEE Software, 2015.
"Automated Decomposition and Allocation of Automotive Safety Integrity Levels Using Exact Solvers",
SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, Michigan, USA, SAE, 04/2015.
Modeling Product Lines with Kripke Structures and Modal Logic,
, no. GSDLAB–TR 2015-04-01, Waterloo/Hamilton, University of Waterloo, ECE, April, 2015.
"Synthesis and Exploration of Multi-Level, Multi-Perspective Architectures of Automotive Embedded Systems",
Software and Systems Modeling, 2017.