Our regular stand-up scrum meetings are a great way to have regular interaction with other team members, as well as our supervisor.
Rodrigo Queiroz, M.Sc.

Ph.D. Student
Office: DC 3587
Email: rqueiroz [at] gsd.uwaterloo.ca
M.Sc. in Computer Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais / Brazil MBA in Project Management, Fundação Getúlio Vargas / Brazil
Office: DC 3587
Email: rqueiroz [at] gsd.uwaterloo.ca
Current Projects
Past Projects
"The Shape of Feature Code: An Analysis of Twenty C-Preprocessor-Based Systems",
Journal on Software and Systems Modeling: Springer, pp. 1–29, 07/2015.
"Does Feature Scattering Follow Power-Law Distributions? An Investigation of Five Pre-Processor-Based Systems",
6th International Workshop of Feature-Oriented Software Evolution, Sweden, ACM, 2014.