Recent News

by Michal Antkiewicz on September 21, 2015

This is a major release of the web tools. For details, see Release 0.4.1 post.

This release of the web tools works with the corresponding release of the compiler and backends. For details, see Release 0.4.1 post.

by Michal Antkiewicz on August 21, 2015

We're organizing a workshop Modelling in Automotive Software Engineering @ MODELS'15. We have just posted the workshop program and we invite you to attend in September.

UPDATE (Sep 22, 2015): The PDFs of the papers are now available for download from the workshop's page.

by Jianmei Guo on July 31, 2015

Our papers "Cost-Efficient Sampling for Performance Prediction of Configurable Systems" (details) and "Performance Prediction of Configurable Software Systems by Fourier Learning" (details) have been accepted as full technical papers (acceptance rate: 60/289 ≈ 21%) at the 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2015).

by Michal Antkiewicz on July 29, 2015

This is a major release of the compiler. For details, see Release 0.4.0 post.

by Leonardo Passos on July 20, 2015

In this paper, we perform a statistical analysis of three feature-annotation metrics (e.g., scattering degree) applied to a corpus of 20 open-source systems. In particular, we investigate the distribution shape of our target metrics and extract thresholds (limits) that could be used by practitioners to control the evolution of feature annotations in their own evolving systems.

by on May 21, 2015

In this paper, we describe a combined SAT solver + computer algebra system that we use to extend known results on two graph-theoretic conjectures related to hypercubes.

by Leonardo Passos on May 8, 2015

In this paper, we perform a fresh look at how the Linux kernel variability model coevolves with other artifacts, namely Makefiles and C source code. This work has been published online at the Empirical Software Engineering Journal (ESE, Springer), and it extends our previous article published in SPLC'13.

by Leonardo Passos on March 19, 2015

Our paper Feature Scattering in the Large: A Longitudinal Study of Linux Kernel Device Drivers has been given the best paper award from the ACM SIGPLAN Modularity'15 (AOSD) conference.

by Leonardo Passos on March 10, 2015

Our paper describes a longitudinal case study of feature scattering in the Linux kernel. In the hope of contributing towards a general scattering theory, we quantitatively and qualitatively
analyze almost eight years of Linux kernel development history, focusing on scattering of device-driver features.

by Jianmei Guo on February 15, 2015

Our paper "Automated Decomposition and Allocation of Automotive Safety Integrity Levels Using Exact Solvers" has been accepted at SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition. More information is here.