Supplemental material for the paper 'Modeling and Optimizing Automotive Electric/Electronic (E/E) Architectures: Towards Making Clafer Accessible to Practitioners'

TitleSupplemental material for the paper 'Modeling and Optimizing Automotive Electric/Electronic (E/E) Architectures: Towards Making Clafer Accessible to Practitioners'
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsKhalilov, E., and J. Ross
Series TitleSupplemental Material
Document NumberGSDLAB-SM-2016-05
Date Published05/2016
InstitutionUniversity of Waterloo
Refereed DesignationNon-Refereed
PowerWindow_Experience.pdf828.66 KB
DoorLocks_Experience.pdf569.57 KB
CaseStudies.zip318.49 KB