Using the Opponent Pass Modeling Method to Improve Defending Ability of a (Robo)Soccer Simulation Team

TitleUsing the Opponent Pass Modeling Method to Improve Defending Ability of a (Robo)Soccer Simulation Team
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsHabibi, J., H. Younesy, and A. Heydarnoori
Conference NameRoboCup’2003 International Symposium
Series TitleLecture Notes in Computer Science
Conference LocationItaly

Modeling agents' behavior has always been a challenge in multiagent systems. In a competitive environment, predicting future behaviors of opponents helps to make plans to confront their actions properly. We have used the RoboCup soccer server environment to design a coach, capable of analyzing simulated soccer games and making decisions to improve teammate players’ behavior during the games. We will introduce our "Opponent Pass Modeling" method which makes a model of opponent team's passing behavior to guard opponent players and as a result, to improve the defending behavior of our team. We will also describe a new approach to evaluate coach algorithms using soccer server log-files and LogCoach tool.

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