Marcilio Mendonça, Ph.D.

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Mendonça, M., "Efficient Reasoning Techniques for Large Scale Feature Models", School of Computer Science, vol. PhD, Waterloo, University of Waterloo, pp. 184, 01/2009.
Conference Paper
Mendonça, M., T. Tonelli Bartolomei, and D. Cowan, "Decision-making coordination in collaborative product configuration", ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, ACM Press, pp. 108, 03/2008. [pdf]
Mendonça, M., A. Wąsowski, K. Czarnecki, and D. Cowan, "Efficient compilation techniques for large scale feature models", 7th international conference on Generative programming and component engineering - GPCE '08, Nashville, USA, ACM Press, pp. 13, 2008. [pdf]
Mendonça, M., M. Branco, and D. Cowan, "S.P.L.O.T. - Software Product Lines Online Tools", 24th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on object oriented programming systems languages and applications - OOPSLA Companion, Orlando, Florida, USA, ACM Press, pp. 761, 10/2009.
Mendonça, M., A. Wąsowski, and K. Czarnecki, "SAT-based Analysis of Feature Models is Easy", 13th International Conference on Software Product Lines (SPLC 2009), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2009. [pdf][pdf]