Our lab is not only about research: we do a lot of development using Java, Python, Javascript, Haskell and other languages in combination with advanced libraries and frameworks. This development experience was very helpful during my job interviews, and employers were impressed by the projects we develop here in the lab.
Ed Zulkoski, B.S.
Ph.D. Student
Phone: -Email: ezulkosk@ gsd .uwaterloo .ca
LinkedIn Account
B.S., Mathematics and Computer Science, Wilkes University
Current Projects
- Using automated algorithm configurators such as SMAC to synthesize competitive SMT strategies.
- Investigating CAS-SAT combinations. Designed a tool (MathCheck) that was used to verify two conjectures over hypercubes beyond previously known bounds.
Past Projects
- ClaferSMT -- a full translation of the Clafer modeling language to SMT. Improved performance primarily for numeric operations.
- Optimizing Alloy for Multi-objective Optimization of SPLs -- Applied formula rewrite techniques within the Kodkod solver, reducing the number of integer atoms to solve SPL optimization problems.
- Exact Parallel Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization -- Defined and implemented several algorithms for exact MCOP solving, using off-the-shelf SMT solvers.
"MathCheck: A Math Assistant based on a Combination of Computer Algebra Systems and SAT Solvers",
International Conference on Automated Deduction, Berlin, Germany, Springer, 08/2015.
"Automated Decomposition and Allocation of Automotive Safety Integrity Levels Using Exact Solvers",
SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, Michigan, USA, SAE, 04/2015.
"Scaling Exact Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization by Parallelization",
29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), Västerås, Sweden, ACM, to appear, 2014.
"Optimizing Alloy for Multi-Objective Software Product Line Configuration",
ABZ, Toulouse, France, Springer-Verlag, 06/2014.