@conference {192, title = {On the Contributions of an End-to-End AOSD Testbed}, booktitle = {Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design at ICSE}, year = {2007}, month = {05/2007}, author = {Philip Greenwood and Alessandro Garcia and Awais Rashid and Eduardo Figueiredo and Cl{\'a}udio Sant{\textquoteright}Anna and N{\'e}lio Cacho and Am{\'e}rico Sampaio and S{\'e}rgio Soares and Paulo Borba and Marcos D{\'o}sea and Ricardo Ramos and Uir{\'a} Kulesza and Lyrene Fernandes and Tonelli~Bartolomei, Thiago and Monica Pinto and Lidia Fuentes and Nadia Gamez and Moreira, Ana and Jo{\~a}o Araujo and Thais Batista and Ana Medeiros and Francisco Dantas and Jan Wloka and Christina Chavez and Robert France and Isabel Brito} }