Performance Prediction of Configurable Software Systems by Fourier Learning

TitlePerformance Prediction of Configurable Software Systems by Fourier Learning
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsZhang, Y., J. Guo, E. Blais, and K. Czarnecki
Conference Name30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)
Date Published11/2015
Conference LocationLincoln, Nebraska, USA

Understanding how performances vary across a large number of variants of a configurable software system is important for helping stakeholders to choose a desirable variant. Given a software system with n optional features, measuring all its 2^n possible configurations to determine their performances is usually infeasible. Thus, various techniques have been proposed to predict software performances based on a small sample of measured configurations. We propose a novel algorithm based on Fourier transform that is able to make predictions of any configurable software system with theoretical guarantees of accuracy and confidence level specified by the user, while using minimum number of samples up to a constant factor. Empirical results on the case studies constructed from real-world configurable systems demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm.

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Performance Prediction of Configurable Software Systems by Fourier Learning244.68 KB
ASE-Presentation.pdf346.26 KB