Proceedings of the 5th Variability Modeling of Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS), January 27-29, 2011

TitleProceedings of the 5th Variability Modeling of Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS), January 27-29, 2011
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsCzarnecki, K., P. Heymans(Ed.), and U. Eisenecker(Ed.)
EditorCzarnecki, K., P. Heymans, and U. Eisenecker
Series TitleACM International Proceedings Series
Date Published2011
Conference LocationNamur, Belgium

VaMoS'11 was the fifth edition of the workshop series on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems. The workshop was held January 27--29, 2011, in Namur, Belgium. Previous editions were held in Linz (2010), Sevilla (2009), Essen (2008) and Limerick (2007). The Faculty of Computer Science at the University of Namur provided the local arrangements for this fifth edition.

The aim of the VaMoS workshop series is to bring together researchers from different areas to present new results for mastering variability throughout the lifecycle of systems, system families, and product lines and to discuss advantages, drawbacks and complementarities of various variability approaches. VaMoS'11 went beyond its predecessors by addressing variability more widely, including variability in requirements, architecture, implementation, validation and verification, and during evolution.

The VaMoS'11 program included two keynote presentations and presentations of peer-reviewed papers. The two invited keynote speakers were Markus Völter (independent consultant and itemis AG) and Danilo Beuche (pure systems GmbH). Like the previous VaMoS workshops, VaMoS'11 was a highly interactive event. Each paper presentation was followed by comments from pre-assigned discussants and a plenary discussion.

We received 38 submissions from 17 countries. The top three countries---ordered by the number of authors---were Germany (40), Belgium (10), and Spain (9). A total of 21 full papers were accepted for presentation and are included in this volume. As the objective of VaMoS'11 was to discuss ideas ranging from early to more established ones, the program included papers in seven different categories: research papers (6), problem statements (3), experience reports (1), progress reports (4), surveys and comparative studies (1), vision papers (1), and tool demonstrations (5). At least three Program Committee members reviewed each paper. Reviewing was thorough and most authors received detailed comments on their submissions.