From State- to Delta-based Bidirectional Model Transformations: the Symmetric Case

TitleFrom State- to Delta-based Bidirectional Model Transformations: the Symmetric Case
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsDiskin, Z., Y. Xiong, K. Czarnecki, H. Ehrig, F. Hermann, and F. Orejas
Date Published05/2011
InstitutionGenerative Software Development Laboratory, University of Waterloo
TypeTechnical Report
Report NumberGSDLAB-TR 2011-05-03

Algebraic frameworks are important for building semantic foundations
of bidirectional model transformations (BX). Symmetric BX are those
for which neither model in a pair of synchronized models fully
determines the other. We build two algebraic frameworks for symmetric
BXs, with one correctly implementing the other, and both being
delta-based generalizations of previous state-based frameworks. We
also identify two new algebraic laws---weak undoability and weak
invertibility, which are important for both state- and delta-based

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